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Virtuix Announces Launch of their Omni One VR Treadmill

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Virtuix recently revealed it will be launching a virtual reality treadmill—called Omni One—on September 10, 2024. The first of its kind, Omni One allows users to experience the locomotive elements of video games. The treadmill functions by having users wear special footwear that allows them to slip down the concave surface. The user straps their upper body to an aluminum arm to ensure they are balanced while gaming, which makes sure they are capable of moving on the spot.

Omni One is an important development in the gaming space, which has historically faced challenges tricking the brain into thinking it is moving when the user is stationary. This has caused users to experience nausea, among other unfortunate side effects. Omni One seeks to solve this problem by allowing users to physically move while in virtual reality: the user no longer has to remain stationary.

Virtuix’s virtual reality treadmill is a newer technology. Nonetheless, its application outside of traditional video gaming contexts could be quite beneficial. For example, its use in athletics may allow individuals to play sports (such as tennis) that would otherwise require a lot of space. Virtual reality continues to evolve expeditiously, and it will be exciting to see how new technologies such as this treadmill might change how we experience video games and other activities.

Author: Adam Dickinson, 2024-2025 Articling Student


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